Raven Braselton
4 min readSep 2, 2021


You Can Make Your Life Extraordinary

Without Drugs or Alcohol

Are you ready to change your habits around drugs and alcohol and make an extraordinary life? You’re going to have to learn some new habits. Learning new habits is always a little awkward so before your life becomes extraordinary, you are going to have to devote some time and energy into working on yourself.

Most people really want to feel love and an amazing life deep inside but are not aware of how to get it. They think that they’re getting it from drugs and alcohol, but these things are actually causing more pain on top of the pain they’re trying to avoid.

We will start out teaching you how to grow really big in Love. All the many qualities of Love are the feelings we all want to feel all the time. So, we are going to teach you to use seven Love Tools that will take you about two months to master, and about another two to four months to master feeling Love all the time. Can you imagine what it would feel like to feel excited, peaceful, wondrous, silly, or any of the loving emotions, and to feel so good you are laughing and smiling about so many things all the time?

While you are learning to be in Love all the time, we will also teach you how to heal the pain you have been trying to avoid. Throughout your life you have accumulated and stored hundreds of unloving beliefs about many different things in your body. Unloving beliefs generate unloving emotions, and every kind of unloving emotion is a different kind of pain. Every time you think of something that triggers an unloving belief or whenever you are in the presence of the subject of an unloving belief, it triggers the pain of the unloving emotion created from that belief. We experience these painful feelings many, many times a day, day after day, and it bothers us, it hurts us. As we grow older, the pain accumulates and turns into chronic pain, accidents, calamities, disease, emotional and mental disorders, and eventually death.

Do you get that it is the pain that keeps you from living the life you want to live?

Every different kind of unloving emotion you experience is a different kind of pain; fear, hate, guilt, shame, boredom, jealousy, anger, rage, etc. How many unloving emotions have you experienced in the last week? (If you are thorough, it will take you some time to count them all up.) If you do not learn to understand how and why you have all this pain and learn to heal it, it will continue to get worse the older you get, and it will control you all your life. This pain is what makes people want to use drugs and alcohol all the time.

So, we will use the Love Healing Process to teach you how to understand your pain and how to heal your unloving beliefs and the habits that go with them. Every time you do the work of healing those beliefs and habits, you will have less pain in your life, you will never have to deal with that old belief and habit again, and it makes you lovingly smarter. You really want to experience that! Getting smarter daily makes you feel extraordinary!

If you do both at the same time, learn to focus on Love all the time and actively spend time healing your unloving beliefs and habits daily, you will gain the ability to have a personal intimate relationship with the Divine Creator, the Source, the Goddess, or whatever you choose to call that which is creating this wondrous world we live in. I am talking about a relationship in which you can ask questions twenty-four-seven and receive answers, to hear the Divine say She Loves you and to know He is your best friend. If you spent the rest of your life developing this relationship, it would be worth the time spent. But it won’t take you the rest of your life, it will only take a few months.

The knowledge to achieve these three actions is contained within my book, Growing Big In Love. You can purchase books here: www.Growingbiginlove.com. You can join me in learning all of this in a three-month online course called the Love Mastery Course. You can find more information and sign up here: www.thelovemastery.com

If you will learn to dedicate an hour a day to work on yourself, four or five days a week, and to focus on Love all the time, you can make your life extraordinary without drugs and alcohol!



Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so! https://www.growingbiginlove.com