What Is Karma and How Does It Work
Understanding Karma may change your life!
Karma is a concept deeply rooted in many spiritual traditions, often understood as the principle of cause and effect. According to Wikipedia, Karma refers to the spiritual principle where the intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intentions and deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intentions and deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering. This definition captures the essence of Karma, but there is much more to explore, particularly in the context of how our beliefs shape our experiences and, consequently, our Karma.
In my exploration of Karma, I have come to understand that the universe, our minds, and our four bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) work together to create experiences that mirror our beliefs. Whether these beliefs are true or not, the universe goes to great lengths to prove them to us through the situations we encounter. This means that whatever is happening in your life, whether positive or negative, is a reflection of what you believe, moment by moment. When you are in Love and experiencing Love, your life feels fantastic — like heaven on earth. However, when you are operating from unloving beliefs, your experiences can be annoying, fearful, boring, or even deeply painful.
Karma is intricately woven into the fabric of our existence on Earth. It governs the way we live, enabling us to learn from our actions, reactions, and choices. The system of Karma is so ingeniously designed that its primary purpose is to teach us that if we act and react in Love, we will feel great. Conversely, if we act and react in unloving ways, we will experience pain. This pain is not just a consequence of our actions but also a reflection of the pain we may cause others.
The way Karma works allows us to exercise free will — the ability to choose between Love and pain. This choice is crucial because it gives us the opportunity to grow and develop our willpower. Imagine a world where we could not make mistakes, where lying, stealing, or causing harm were impossible. In such a world, our choices would be extremely limited, and our ability to grow would be stunted. Without pain and the consequences of our actions, we would lack the motivation to develop strength of character, creativity, and intelligence.
The progress humanity has made over the past century is a testament to the power of choice. From horse-drawn carriages to space exploration, our collective achievements have been driven by the desire to overcome challenges and improve our lives. This incredible growth has been made possible by our ability to make choices, learn from our mistakes, and strive for something better.
The creators of Earth have embedded a system of consequential laws, known as Karma, into the metaphysics of our world. These laws govern the results of our actions and, in some cases, our inactions. For free will to exist, we must have the ability to make mistakes, create pain, and interrupt someone’s space, knowing that these actions will have consequences. This system not only gives us choices but also provides excitement, helps us develop strength of mind, builds character, and introduces us to the playing fields of Love versus pain.
Karma, therefore, is not just a cosmic balancing act but a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By understanding how Karma works and how our beliefs shape our experiences, we can make more informed choices, act in ways that align with Love, and ultimately create a life filled with joy, wisdom, and fulfillment. The journey of navigating Karma is one of learning, healing, and embracing the power of choice in shaping our destinies.
To learn more, get your free PDF copy of Growing Big In Love, sign up for classes, or purchase one on one sessions for personal healing and growth with Raven, I invite you to visit Growing Big In Love. May your life be filled with love all ways!