Unveiling the New Understanding of Memory
Memory is one of the most intriguing and powerful aspects of the human experience. It shapes our identities, influences our decisions, and colors our perceptions of the world. Traditionally, we have viewed memory as a static repository — a storehouse of past experiences, knowledge, and emotions that we can access as needed. However, this new understanding of memory, as explored in my book, Growing Big In Love, offers a deeper, more dynamic perspective that reveals the true complexity of how our memories function and affect our lives.
The Spiral of Memory
In a profound vision described in Growing Big In Love, memory was revealed as a spiral path that traces back through time. If you could step outside of time and observe the Earth from space, you would see a spiraling path that the Earth has followed since its creation. This spiral is not just the path of the Earth but also the path of our memories — each person’s memories are part of this grand spiral, stretching back to the moment of birth and beyond. Looking back in time, every moment of your life is right where you experienced it in time.
This spiral represents a continuous, unbroken record of everything that has ever happened. Every experience, every emotion, every moment is stored along this spiral, accessible to those who know how to find it. This understanding of memory as a spiral offers a new way to think about how our memories are stored and accessed, and how they shape our lives.
Memory as an Active Force
In this new understanding, memory is not just a passive record of the past; it is an active, living force that interacts with all aspects of our being. Our memories are intricately tied to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and they work together to create the experiences and realities we live in each moment.
Each time we recall a memory, we are not merely retrieving a static snapshot of a past event. Instead, we are re-experiencing that memory, often with emotions, beliefs, and physical sensations that accompany it. This re-experiencing can reinforce the memory, making it stronger and more vivid, or it can alter the memory, changing how we perceive it over time.
The Role of Beliefs in Shaping Memory
One of the most significant revelations in this new understanding is the role that beliefs play in shaping our memories. Our beliefs act as a lens through which we view our past, filtering and interpreting our experiences in ways that align with what we already believe to be true. For example, if you hold an unloving belief about yourself, such as “I am unworthy of love,” your memories will often reinforce that belief. You might recall times when you felt rejected or unloved, and these memories will trigger emotions that further entrench the belief.
Conversely, if you hold a Loving belief, such as “I am deserving of love,” your memories will be colored by that belief, and you will more readily recall experiences where you felt cherished and valued. This dynamic interaction between beliefs and memory shows us that our memories are not fixed; they are fluid and can be reshaped as we grow and evolve in Love.
Healing Through Memory
Understanding memory as an active and dynamic force opens up new possibilities for healing. When we recognize that our painful memories are often tied to unloving beliefs, we can begin to heal those beliefs and, in turn, transform our memories. This process is a central theme in Growing Big In Love.
By growing big in Love, we can revisit painful memories with a new perspective. Instead of being overwhelmed by the pain and emotions of the past, we can approach these memories with compassion and understanding. This Loving approach allows us to release the pain associated with the memory and, more importantly, to heal the unloving belief that the memory reinforces.
For example, if a memory of childhood trauma has left you feeling unworthy of love, you can use the Love Healing Process to heal that belief. By doing so, you not only change how you feel about the past but also alter the impact that memory has on your present and future. The memory itself may remain, but it will no longer carry the same weight of pain and suffering.
Memory as a Tool for Growth
As we deepen our understanding of memory, we can begin to use it as a tool for personal growth and spiritual development. Memory, in this new light, becomes a resource for learning and transformation. By consciously engaging with our memories, we can extract the wisdom and insights they hold, allowing us to grow in Love and wisdom.
This process involves more than just remembering; it requires an active engagement with our past experiences, where we question our beliefs, explore our emotions, and seek to understand the lessons that our memories offer. It is through this conscious interaction with memory that we can transform our lives and align more fully with the Love that is our true nature.
The Extraordinary Power of Memory
The new understanding of memory as presented in Growing Big In Love invites us to see memory not as a mere record of what has been but as a powerful, dynamic force that shapes who we are and who we can become. Memory is not static; it is living and evolving, influenced by our beliefs and emotions. By recognizing this, we gain the ability to consciously work with our memories to heal, grow, and create a life filled with Love.
In this way, memory becomes more than just a reflection of the past — it becomes a bridge to a more Loving and fulfilled future.
To learn more, get your free PDF copy of Growing Big In Love, sign up for classes, or purchase one on one sessions for personal healing and growth with Raven, I invite you to visit Growing Big In Love . May your life be filled with the magic of love always!