Understanding LOVE Reversal Loops
Breaking Free from Our Deepest Cycles of Pain
LOVE Reversal Loops are deeply ingrained patterns of pain that can shape our lives in powerful ways, often without us even realizing it. These loops are formed when we experience intense and prolonged emotional trauma, which distorts our understanding of LOVE and embeds unloving beliefs into the core of our being. The pain from these experiences becomes so normalized that it feels like a natural part of who we are, making it incredibly difficult to recognize and heal. Understanding and addressing LOVE Reversal Loops is essential to breaking free from these cycles of pain and reclaiming our true selves. The healing journey to accomplish this feat will be one of the most challenging events that one may ever face, but the rewards of doing so are unprecedented.
What Are LOVE Reversal Loops?
LOVE Reversal Loops are created when someone endures extreme emotional pain repeatedly over a long period, such as during childhood. This pain is so intense and so constant, that it becomes familiar to feel like it is a part of us, leading to the formation of Unloving Beliefs that we carry into adulthood. These loops are more than just harmful habits; they are deep-rooted emotional patterns that can affect every aspect of our lives. Unlike a single unloving belief, a LOVE Reversal Loop is continuous and persistent, affecting multiple areas of life and making it difficult to recognize the pain for what it is. When a person is experiencing overwhelming trauma, their body is in a continuous state of shock which causes them to feel more and more numb. This numbness is part of what embeds the unloving beliefs so effectively that it is rare for a person to ever realize that they are there. It just feels normal to be totally terrified, or guilty, or shamed, or full of rage all of the time. The emotions are as constant as our heartbeats.
For example, if a child grows up in a household where LOVE is expressed through extreme control, anger, or neglect, because it is so constant and so numbing, they may come to associate these behaviors with LOVE. As they grow older, they might unconsciously seek out relationships that mirror these dynamics, mistaking the familiarity of pain for LOVE. The loop continues as they experience the same hurt over and over again, reinforcing the belief that this is what LOVE looks like.
The Power of Addiction in LOVE Reversal Loops
One of the most challenging aspects of LOVE Reversal Loops is the addiction to the emotions they generate. Because the pain becomes so ingrained, the emotions tied to these unloving beliefs — whether it’s terror, shame, guilt, or anger — begin to feel normal. In fact, these emotions can become so familiar that they feel necessary, leading to an inner conscious addiction. This addiction is not to the pain itself but to the emotional responses the pain elicits, which keep the loop active. What we mean by this is that as one studies the metaphysics of how these loops are created, they find that the unloving emotions they are experiencing are actually a response that is trying to protect them. For example, when a person is experiencing terror, the terror makes their body hyper aware of everything around them, it keeps them incredibly alert, it enables them to think super fast enabling them to keep themselves as safe as possible. It becomes normal to be in terror all the time because the terror is keeping them alive and the byproduct of being in this constant terror is that it makes the person increasingly intelligent and aware. It becomes really difficult to even think of letting go of the terror because it has protected them their entire life. It is only through growing big in LOVE that a person can begin to understand that when immersed in LOVE that there is nothing that one needs to be protected from, that the intelligence and awareness gained, will be retained and used without the terror, enabling the person to live the rest of their lives free of any fear or terror.
It is the same with the other emotions. Guilt teaches people to understand what is integrous. Shame teaches people that they are a part of LOVE, perfect in every way, and rage shows people that hatred is an illusion that there is a lack of LOVE which is not even possible when a person grows big in LOVE. This is how LOVE guides us to become super intelligent while helping us understand that there is never a reason to create any unloving emotions. It is the most painful part of teaching Godlings the proper use of their energies and once learned, it is what sets them free from using any unloving emotions forever.
The Impact of LOVE Reversal Loops on Life
LOVE Reversal Loops can manifest in various ways, affecting relationships, work, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Because these loops are so deeply embedded, they can influence our decisions and behaviors without us being fully aware of them. For instance, someone with a LOVE Reversal Loop around terror might avoid opportunities or sabotage their success because they are subconsciously terrified of failing — or even succeeding. They are so accustomed to believing that they are always failing that succeeding would be extremely uncomfortable.
These loops also make it difficult to experience genuine LOVE and happiness. Since the emotional pain has become a core part of our identity, we might feel uncomfortable or anxious in situations where LOVE is freely given or where there is no conflict, it’s just too uncomfortable. This discomfort can lead us to push away healthy relationships and gravitate toward those that continue to feed the loop.
Breaking Free from LOVE Reversal Loops
Healing from LOVE Reversal Loops is possible, but it requires awareness, dedication, and a willingness to confront the pain we have become so accustomed to. The first step is recognizing that the loop exists and understanding how it has shaped your life. This often involves tracing back to the original trauma and identifying the unloving beliefs that were formed as a result.
The process of healing involves replacing the Unloving Beliefs with loving truths, often through practices that help you grow in LOVE and self-compassion. By gradually introducing more LOVE into your life and consistently challenging the unloving beliefs that sustain the loop, you can start to break free from these patterns. This healing journey can be supported by tools like the Loving Smile, which helps you stay connected to love even when confronted with pain. As the awareness of just how the loop is controlling your life becomes clear, you can use LOVING Sounds and LOVING Questions to interrupt the old patterns of acting so that you can support the truths you have found.
Embracing the Journey of Healing
Breaking free from LOVE Reversal Loops is not an easy task, but the rewards are profound. As you heal, you’ll find that you no longer need to rely on the familiar pain to define who you are. Instead, you can open yourself up to true LOVE, joy, and peace, and begin to live a life that is aligned with your deepest truths. This journey requires patience and compassion for yourself, but with dedication, you can transform your life in ways you never thought possible.
If you’re ready to begin the process of healing your LOVE Reversal Loops and reclaiming your true self, the The Love Healing Process which is found and explained in the Growing Big In LOVE book, can provide the guidance and support you need. By growing in LOVE each day and learning to recognize and release the unloving beliefs that hold you back, you can break the cycle of pain and step into a life filled with LOVE, freedom, and joy.
To learn more, get your free PDF copy of Growing Big In LOVE, sign up for classes, or purchase one on one healing work with Raven, visit Growing Big In Love. May your life be filled with LOVE all ways!