Under Our Pain Is Some Serious Misunderstandings And It Is Time For Them To STOP!

Raven Braselton
11 min readMar 29, 2021

Underneath the pain we feel every day are three of the darkest, most insane illusions that people believe exist, so much so that it drives them to drinking, drugs, insanity, and the constant accumulation of more and more pain. All of these illusions can be abolished with a clear understanding of what pain is and why it is a part of our lives. Before we get to that let’s see what the illusions are.

Those illusions are:

1. On planet Earth, we have had a long dark history of people experiencing the pain of war, disease, epidemics, famine, starvation, torture, rape, betrayal, slavery, terror, rage, hatred, sadness, loneliness, etc. The list of how people can experience pain is daunting. Unless a person was raised in a very loving and supportive household, which is rare, as they grow older they have a tendency to develop very confusing beliefs as to why they are here on Earth and what it is that they should be doing here. Because of this, masses of people have become terrified that they have been put here on Earth without their permission and not knowing what is really going on here, the fear leads them to believe they did something really bad, wrong, and unforgivable to deserve to be living in such a confusing, painful, messed up world. This further leads them to believe that there is something wrong with them and they are being punished. The key word here is unforgivable. This concept implies that if there is a Divine Presence, Spirit, Loving Creator or whatever the person believes in, that they have done something so atrocious that the Divine will never forgive them.

2. The second illusion which is based on the first illusion, is that there is a place designated for those who will not be forgiven that is commonly referred to as Hell. On Earth, when a person’s pain becomes so painful as to be unbearable, it is often referred to as being in Hell. When a person experiences that much pain and they have not learned how to relax into the pain, just be with the pain, then it feels like the pain is ripping at their soul, trying to tear their soul apart. That anyone has ever had to experience that soul ripping pain at all, has led to the terror that there could be a place like Hell in which a person would experience that kind of pain forever.

Furthermore, there are people who have had the experience of going to Hell, in their minds, and the experience is the most terrifying, mortifying experience they have ever had.

3. The third illusion can be the scariest belief there could be and is based on the first and second illusions, that there is a Devil, a Lucifer, a Satan, an Iblis, a demigod that rules the realms of Hell; a god whose only charge in life is to torture the unforgiven.

To help you discover that none of these illusions are true, we will first need to explore why we are here. This will give you a clear understanding of the purpose and reason for pain.

The wonders of life are absolutely mind boggling. We can hold our hands in front of our faces and wiggle our index fingers back and forth with ease, although we don’t even begin to know how to create the atoms that make up the cells that make up the skin, bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons that it takes to move our fingers. It just appears that we are moving our fingers back and forth, but we don’t have a clue as to how it’s really being done.

Everything around us is being created so eloquently as to give us the experience that we are living our lives, when in truth, we do not know how we move, talk, think, or even ponder our own existence. When we observe all these wonders that life has to offer us through the eyes of Love, the wonder, beauty, excellence, and genius just seems to expand in every direction, moment by moment. It just keeps expanding forever and ever and it’s so glorious that it boggles our minds.

Here on Earth there is also the other side of Love, which is pain. And for every kind of Love, there is an opposite painful side, that hurts us when we see, feel, or experience it. Every unloving emotion…fear, hatred, sadness, jealousy, greed, shame, guilt, anger, etc. is a different kind of pain. And for thousands of years, we keep asking ourselves, why?

If you had the job of teaching a brand-new soul how to understand the uses of the energy of Love, how would you do it? How do you teach a new soul how not to misuse their energy in any way, not to hurt themself or anyone else? Could you set up a program that would show them all the hundreds of thousands of ways they (or someone else) could misuse their energy and have them watch it? If you did that and they spent years studying the program, watching all the ways the misuse of energy causes pain in themselves or other souls around them, would they really be able to learn from just watching?

Or would they need to actually experience the pain that is caused from the misuse to truly understand?

Well, if you look around you at the condition of our world, it’s not hard to see how the Divine (I’m using the term Divine to refer to the Divine Creator, Spirit, the Supreme Being, the Source, or whatever you believe) has answered these questions. For the past ten or more thousand years, we, as a human race have been living through a state of ignorance that has enabled all of us to learn firsthand what happens when people misuse their energy. The list of the atrocities that we (as a people) have had to experience is daunting. The list is so long and big that it’s a wonder that billions of us still get up every day and try to create a better day than the one we had yesterday. It’s through the presence of Love, that is within us, and all around us, that gives us that drive to keep moving through the pain that we experience while we are here.

But what is the purpose of this pain?

What is so important that it has seven or eight billion souls living through the percieved hells that we find all around us on Earth?

As it turns out, we are being given an extraordinary opportunity.

It’s essential that a soul needs to experience the pain that is caused by the misuse of energy so that they can understand it completely, so that they will know how it affects them and others. And if they choose, they will be able to learn how to grow big in Love through learning how to focus on Love, moment by moment. This will give them the power and awareness to enable them to learn how to heal their pain.

If they learn how to become Love and heal their pain, they will be able to develop the strength of character to never create that pain again.

This taking the action to grow in Love and to heal is what creates Loving Intelligence. It enables us to develop the Loving wisdom needed to become a creator ourselves.

The benefits of doing so are so big, that it is enticing close to eight billion souls to come here to experience the pain, so they can learn how not to create it.

Experience equals knowing, and a soul cannot move forward and harness the power of Love, until they know.

This is Love’s call to action.

This is Earth’s Objective.

It is a path to healing our pain through understanding and Loving action which creates Loving Intelligence.

So up until now, we, as a race, have been experiencing the incredible amounts of pain in our lives for thousands of years so that we can learn to understand how to live our lives through Love only. Pain is here to show us to go the other way towards Love. If we have pain in our lives, we have been producing some unloving habit that is creating pain for ourselves and possibly others. And fortunately for all of us, the understandings of how to live in Love only, is here now. My book Growing Big In Love has been written to show you how to grow in Love, more and more every day so that you can become strong in Love, and how to heal your pain through understanding and taking action so that you can grow in Loving Intelligence!

Pain is here to show us to go the other way. This is the only reason for pain and up until now, it has been necessary for each one of us to experience it firsthand. It’s here to teach us how to live and grow in love, integrity, honor, and peace.

Earth is a new soul teaching factory, a haven for every person to learn how to become Love, so that eventually, you will be able to create your own self, to become a Creator yourself. Becoming a Creator can only be done through Love and one of the most efficient ways to learn this is to experience what Love is not, personally. So, before we were born, every single one of us had the choice to come here or not.

Up until now, pain accumulates in each person’s life more and more each day and eventually it causes them to grow old and die.

Death is another one of those dark illusions for many people. When we die, the only thing that dies is the physical body. The mental, emotional, spiritual, and time bodies (Our time bodies are how and where our memories are stored. Click on memories to read about them.) are still very much intact. And once a person crosses over to the other side, the first thing they experience is the most love they have ever experienced since the last time they were there. Within moments of arriving on the other side, they will start to realize, feel, and see the reasons they have been living through their many lives here. Without the pain that is held in the physical body and while being immersed in the Love in that place that is so powerful, it enables them to see the metaphysics of what pain is and clearly see how people on Earth are creating their own pain through their actions and inactions. And very powerfully, it shows them how they have created their own pain in their own lives. Within moments they gain access to the memories of all their past lives and especially the one they just lived. They step out of time as we know it here and while immersed in the Love, they are given all the time they need to go back and look over their lives to observe what they have learned through their lifetimes here on Earth.

Once they feel complete, once they have learned all they can from reliving every part of their past while immersed in deep Love, and they feel they are satiated in Love, then they choose to come back here, to live another life so they can learn more. When they are in that deep love, the clarity of what is really going on here is so profound, and the outcome, what they will gain from the experience of living all their lives is so profound, that they look forward to coming back to Earth and are eager to learn more.

Understanding this, there is no such thing as unforgivable. No matter what a person has done in any previous life or this one, when they are on the other side, they will be able to clearly see that anything and everything they have done, was done through ignorance and therefore forgivable. And, if they learn to get very big in love, here, they can do the same thing here and now. So, learning how to grow big in Love, how to heal, how to forgive, and how to make the loving choices to become intelligent in a way that will ensure they never hurt themselves or anyone else ever again, is a path that we now have the opportunity to experience.

So, there is no such thing as unforgivable which abolishes the first illusion.

We can abolish the second and third illusions by learning how the metaphysics of beliefs work here on Earth. Our minds and bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and time bodies) are designed to prove to us that our unloving beliefs are true, even if they are not. Experiencing the pain of these untrue beliefs is how we learn. The metaphysical laws of beliefs that govern the ways we act and react throughout our lives, is discussed in great detail in my book, Growing Big In Love. What we will find, is that once you create any unloving belief within you, your mind and body will create many circumstances that prove to you that your belief is true, even if it is not. If you learn how to heal the pain that beliefs are creating in you so that you can choose to discover the truth about those beliefs, then the healing of the beliefs and their accompanying habits, will enable you to learn and grow from the experience.

Since most people are not aware of these metaphysical principles of beliefs that govern the ways we act and react, they don’t understand that if they believe in a Hell or a Devil, Satin, Iblis, or Lucifer, their bodies will continually produce circumstances that prove to them that these misunderstandings are true. The cure for this condition, is to stop believing in the illusions. Never say or think the words or concepts of Hell, Devil, Satin, Iblis, or Lucifer ever. For most people, just understanding this will be all the incentive they need to decide not to use or think these words and concepts. If you have beliefs like this and the beliefs are too strong for you to stop believing and thinking them, then you can learn to grow big in Love and how to heal your beliefs by reading my book, Growing Big In Love and/or coming to The Love Mastery Course to learn how.

My book, Growing Big In Love is written in a way that makes all the metaphysical principles that governs the way pain shows up in your life, easy to understand. The first part of the book gives you seven Love Tools that you can learn to master in about two months and if you choose to do so, within a year you will be able to focus on Love every moment of every day. The second part of the book teaches you about how pain is caused by trauma, how trauma is the cause of creating unloving beliefs and the habits that support them, and teaches you the Love Healing Process that you can use to heal one belief and the accompanying habits at a time. The results of growing bigger in love daily along with spending time each day healing the pain that the Love shows you, is creating a whole new way to live.

The benefits of growing bigger in Love daily along with spending time daily to heal are so numerous, that I could write another two or three blogs showing you all the benefits. But the biggest benefit of all, is that the strength of mind and heart that is gained by choosing to live in this way, enables you to create an intimate personal relationship with the Divine Creator, in which you can communicate with the Divine in your mind as easily as talking with your best friend. The Divine will become the best friend you have ever had to such an extent, that you could easily picture the two of you holding hands and skipping into the sunrise together or if your too manly to skip, you can fist bump and trudge off into the sunrise. You can ask questions about anything, any time, and anywhere. You will come to understand that you have never been alone. The Love just keeps growing and growing.

The Love Mastery Course is a three-month live, online course that will give you the experience of how these healing principles and laws of metaphysics, show up in your body and how to apply them daily into your life. To learn more and register for the 12-week course, go to: www.thelovemastery.com. Join me in creating a worldwide community dedicated to growing in Love and healing our pain. You can also get a free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big In Love, at the site.

You can become the change you want to see in the world.



Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so! https://www.growingbiginlove.com