The World Is about to Change

Raven Braselton
9 min readMar 27, 2023


By People Who Learn to Grow with the Power of Love

There are three elements that are going to make this possible.

The Divine, the part of Goddess/God that is creating you, wants to develop an interactive relationship with you in which you are communicating with them, the same as you would converse with your best friend. This can only be done through love, and it will be the most important and powerful relationship you ever develop. They are creating everything about your life. They are creating your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. They are breathing for you, beating your heart, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling for you every moment of your life. They are thinking your thoughts, emoting your emotions, and giving you the ability to read these words and understand what they mean. The time has come for you to understand this relationship completely because they want to teach you how to become the most amazing person you could ever imagine. All you must do is learn how and bring this relationship to fruition.

There are seven Love Tools that, once learned, can enable you to focus on love every moment of every day. This enables you to grow big in love, reaping the benefits of being in love all the time. You can learn to focus on being love, on feeling any and all the qualities of love every moment of every day in about two months. Can you imagine what this will do for your life? There are qualities of life that have eluded you up until now that only love can provide. Did you know that when you are in a high state of love, you can discover the truth about anything for yourself? When you use love like this, you can learn at a prodigious rate. You can use the truth to discover what is right for you in any circumstance, you can use the truth to learn how to heal any pain you have within you, and you can use the truth to discover those qualities of life that have eluded you.

There is a healing process called the Love Healing Process that enables you to heal any kind of pain you have within you. You will find that you have many unloving beliefs within you that cause you to act and react in unloving ways, which creates pain. Every unloving emotion is a different kind of pain. Most of your pain comes from these unloving actions. You can easily test this for yourself. Think of something over the last few days that made you feel angry, frustrated, or upset. Relive the experience for just five seconds and see where the pain shows up in your body. Isn’t it amazing how fast it showed up? You have hundreds of unloving beliefs inside of you, and every time one of them is triggered, you feel the pain. The Love Healing Process will enable you to heal each belief and the habits that go with them, enabling you to live with less pain and more love. Every time you heal a belief and the habits that go with them, you become more intelligent, stronger, healthier, and able to feel and experience more love, plus you are adding love into our beautiful planet.

Unloving beliefs are created out of ignorance. Most of them are created when we are children. We experience a trauma, an experience that hurts us in some way, and we falsely perceive what and why we are being hurt; thus, a belief is born. That belief will harbor itself within your psyche and create similar traumas, confirming the belief to you, all your life until you die or until you heal the belief. The process that enables you to heal your unloving beliefs and habits starts with you learning how to discover that no unloving belief is true. You can learn the truth through logic, and for those of you who can get your hearts wide open, which means you will be able to giggle you feel so good, you will be able to feel the truth. Once you know a belief is not true, you can use the truth to heal all the hurtful areas in your past that the old belief created. The Love Healing Process uses a three-step process to enable you to do this with any unloving belief you have developed in your life and\or past lives.

My book, Growing Big in Love, will enable you to learn these three elements in detail and so much more. I will tell you a story of healing that will help you understand just how powerful learning these concepts can be.

Dot’s Story

When Dot first came to me, the cyst in her throat was very noticeable. It was about the size of a golf ball and was hard to the touch, kind of like feeling the bone in your elbow. It was so big that it was becoming difficult for her to swallow. Both her doctor and acupuncturist had told her that it needed to be surgically removed, which would have been a complicated surgical procedure. Dot was afraid of having the surgery.

The first thing I had her do was give me a short version of what her life was like from as early as she could remember. She told me a little about her relationship with her mother and father, and then I had her lie down for a session so that she could totally relax.

Once Dot was relaxed, the next thing that I asked her to do was open to the pain, to feel the pain in her throat and notice if she could feel what was causing the pain. As she opened to the idea that her pain could lead her back to the original trauma that was causing the painful cyst in her throat, it led her to a time when she was eight years old, and she was trying to stand up to her father. She had done something that he misunderstood, and when she tried to stand up for herself and explain it to him, he raged at her with his voice and shut her down so severely that she had been unable to speak up for herself since that day.

Dot was fifty-two years old at the time of the first session. The pain and the growth in her throat were being caused by the stress of constantly needing to speak up for herself. Every time she needed to speak up, she would feel the terror her father instilled in her, making her terrified to speak up.

Next, we talked about her current relationships with the people in her life who were abusing her. She was having a hard time standing up to any of them. She needed to speak up for herself in several ways, but she couldn’t. There was one person in particular that she was having a hard time standing up to. I asked her to tell me how he treated her, and then, with her permission, I took on the role of her friend. Since she trusted me and knew I wasn’t a threat to her, she was able to tell me exactly what she needed to say to him. We were both in awe at how much she had to say! It was truly amazing to see her stand in her power for the first time since she was eight.

When Dot left that day, she looked like a different person and she carried herself with strength and confidence.

When she came to see me two weeks later, she was excited. After our first session, she had successfully been able to stand up for herself with the people who mattered. She had changed a life-long way of relating to others. And that wasn’t all that changed. The cyst in her throat was starting to change. It was already much softer, more like the taut muscles on your palm, and it was shrinking.

The focus of our remaining sessions was teaching Dot how to use some of the Love Tools. Here is what happened to Dot, in her own words:

I have been working with Raven for several months. I have a cyst on my throat; the Western medical solution is a slightly complicated surgery. Not only did my progressive doctor tell me to have it cut out, but even my acupuncturist said to have the surgery. Needless to say, I was not happy and pretty scared. This cyst had been with me for over a year, and it was getting bigger. Basically, it looked and felt like I had a golf ball lodged in my throat. After working with Raven for about a month, it was half the size and much softer. I knew then that it would go away, and my fears also went away. As we have continued to work together, the cyst keeps shrinking. It’s barely noticeable now.

This process is so powerful. I am learning how to heal through my own efforts, and I have full faith that the cyst will be completely gone as I continue to do this work.

In addition, I have experienced many added bonuses by doing this healing work. Other things in my life have gotten easier. Way more is being healed than just this cyst. The cyst is just an outward manifestation. I am experiencing more love in my life through my choice to be loving. I am happier and often feel a sense of awe and inspiration. My life feels richer. I have more awareness of the ever presence of the Divine in my life.

I am grateful that Raven crossed my path when he did. He is a marvelous healer and a truly warm, generous human being.

Nine months later, Dot’s cyst disappeared completely and has never come back. Dot developed a belief of “it is not safe to speak up for myself” when she was very young. The terror from her father coming down on her so strongly was the fear that kept her from ever speaking up. At fifty-two, it was easy for Dot to see that her father was no longer a threat, so through logic, she came to understand that the belief was not true. And once a person understands the truth, the truth does not change. It is constant. Since she stopped being afraid and learned to speak up for herself when needed, the cyst healed easily. This is one story from many of how the Love Healing Process can help anyone heal almost any disease or unloving condition if they are willing to do the work. There are ten more stories in my book just as powerful as Dot’s.

So why is the world about to change? Because the Growing Big In Love Process; growing an intimate friendship and receiving guidance from the Divine daily, growing in love daily, and healing the pain within them daily, is a new way to live that makes people super smart. It produces extraordinarily intelligent, happy, powerful people that learn to focus on what they can do to make their life better, which in turn makes our world a better place. They are empowered and inspired by the love that is all around them and within them, to enact loving changes throughout their lives. These people are literally filling the Earth with love. Come be one of the first to empower your life with love and be the change you want to see in the world.

You can get a free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big in Love, by logging onto Scroll down four sections and press the DOWNLOAD NOW FOR FREE button. You don’t need to exchange any information, just press the button and receive your free copy. While you’re there, you might want to sign up for the classes I’ll be teaching starting March 21. It is a three-month course called the Love Mastery Course. It will be held on Zoom every Thursday evening at 6 o’clock p.m., PST. There is an hour and fifteen-minute video in the third section of the site. If you watch it, it might change your life.

The classes are amazing, fun, and engaging. They will help you learn to embrace the love of learning and the love of change, and they will help you grow with like minded people intent on making our world a better place.

You can contact me at



Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so!