The Other Side

Raven Braselton
7 min readAug 15, 2024


Years ago, my students and clients started realizing that I had the ability to communicate with people on the Other Side. As I understand it, when people pass away in this world, their spirits transition to the Other Side where they exist in a state of being that is vibrant and alive, free from their physical bodies. They have shared with me that their spiritual bodies are akin to their physical forms but much lighter, making movement easier. They experience minimal to no pain and have the ability to choose their appearance and age. Most opt to appear and feel like they did in their teenage years or early twenties, drawn to the youth and vitality, and all are seen and experienced as beautiful.

Throughout my interactions, I have consistently been able to connect with those who have crossed over. They exude a profound sense of peace, and over time, they seem to grow even happier. Universally, they describe being enveloped by an enduring feeling of love the moment they arrive and that never dissipates. They recount being able to reflect on their past life and other relevant previous incarnations, all while being surrounded by this love that facilitates their understanding of the truths they encounter. This period serves as a time of learning and reconciliation with their experiences, leaving them in awe of the peace that emerges from comprehending the events of their lives.

The depiction I have provided about the Other Side thus far is a broad overview. The realm beyond is a complex world in itself, and attempting to encapsulate its intricacies in a few paragraphs or even books would require significant time and a depth of experience that I have yet to attain. However, based on the encounters I have had and the profound connection I share with Spirit, certain aspects can be elucidated.

“There is no such thing as hell, a devil, or Lucifer on the Other Side. There is only love and the peace of understanding what a person has just gone through, along with the reasons they have had to go through it. This is true for the souls that have become self-aware, people who have become so intelligent that they concern themselves with trying to understand and figure out why they are alive. Until they become self-aware, their visit to the Other Side serves as a respite where they get a few moments of peace before they enter into their next life. So, new souls will need to live a number of lives before they become self-aware.

Once they become self-aware, the Earth’s Objective applies there just like here; we are all here to learn how to love and to grow in love and intelligence. On the Other Side, they are able to see how much they have learned about acting and reacting in love throughout their last lives and previous lives. Then, as they come to understand what they have learned and once they feel peace about where they are at, they will have choices about what to do to carry on with their existence, their progress, and future. They can stay in the loving state for as long as they feel they want or need to. And when they are ready, they can enter back into the Earth Project or choose a different way to learn what they need to know.

About a year ago, I had this incredible realization that no human ever dies. I have talked with over a hundred people who have crossed over, and the only ones I haven’t been able to communicate with are the ones who have already gone on to live a new life. So, one day after talking to a friend’s father for her, it occurred to me that no one ever dies. After conferring with Spirit, they explained that this is true. Once a Creator Being creates a new soul, that soul lives forever. No human has ever died. It’s not possible. It has never happened. This realization is so comforting.”

A couple of years ago, I had the honor of following my oldest son’s journey to the Other Side. His name is Seth, and he died of an overdose. Within six hours, I was talking with him about everything that was happening with him. It has been the most extraordinary experience to follow someone who was so close to me. Because of the loss of his physical body along with the pain that it held within it, Seth was able to immediately gain clarity of his spiritual connection to all that he had just left and to me. It gave both of us great comfort to be able to talk with each other and completely changed the grieving process I would have had to go through had I not had this connection with him, along with the understanding that no one really dies. Instead, I was elated that we could talk together easily. To my surprise, we started having the best talks I have ever had with my son because he was able to see/feel me where I am at spiritually and where he was spiritually. We conversed for long periods of time.

He shared with me all the things he was going through and what it felt like. To his utter delight, one of his best friends he ever had when he was here, his friend Johnny, who had committed suicide when he was thirteen, was there to greet him. They immediately rekindled their relationship, and Johnny helped him land, so to speak, and get accustomed to what was happening to him.

Over the course of the next three weeks, Seth discovered that when he was born into this life, he was born with a bottomless pit of anger/rage within him that he had never come to terms with while he was here. He had chosen instead to medicate his radical emotions with smoking pot incessantly along with drinking and doing drugs all his life. Soon after he crossed over, he was able to see the life before this last life, and in so doing, came to understand why he was so angry.

In his past life, which happened in the 1300s, he was a soldier under the leadership of a king. He was a very powerful soldier and moved up the ranks until he became a General in his king’s army. They became friends of a sort, and the king led him to believe that they had been wrongfully attacked by a neighboring country, and that country had raided, pillaged, raped, and enslaved hundreds of his country’s old people, women, and children. In retaliation, Seth was ordered to destroy parts of this neighboring country and burn it to the ground. Additionally, he was instructed to allow his soldiers to rape and pillage.

In the subsequent wars, Seth was so fierce that he developed a name for himself and set the standard for torturing and destroying their enemies. In the last two years of his life in that era, he discovered that the king he was fighting for had lied and that all the people he had pillaged, tortured, raped, and killed had been innocent victims. Upon learning the truth, he immediately ceased fighting, was imprisoned, tortured off and on, and eventually died in the prison of the country he had fought for all his life.

During his torture, his rage and hatred at being betrayed intensified. Enraged by the betrayal and burdened by guilt for the slaughter he had unleashed on the innocent people of the other country, he felt that the torture he endured was a small price to pay for the wrongs he had committed. The guilt he felt for not only committing atrocities himself but also for influencing others to do the same was unbearable. He couldn’t face the responsibility of his actions.

In this life, he never came to terms with his anger and rage. Instead, he kept himself stoned for most of his adult life, drinking and drugging himself to oblivion.

When he crossed over to the Other Side, because of his relationship with me, he was able to see the metaphysics of Earth’s Objective. With that advantage, he could understand his past actions and forgive himself for the atrocities he committed in that life. He could see and understand that none of the people he had killed were dead, that we are all living together to help each other understand. He was also able to forgive himself for the radical drug use in his life here with me.

Now Seth is having the time of his life attending school on the Other Side. Once he forgave himself and let go of the guilt and rage, he discovered that he loves to learn. Learning is enjoyable for him in such a loving environment.

Shortly after he transitioned, he realized that he and Johnny were so close that it was almost like being twins. They have become lovers, deeply in love, and now lead a wonderful life together. He has also met a new woman friend whom he is getting to know intimately.

As he gets on with his life there, we talk less and less, but when we do it is so heartwarming to feel him being so happy and excited about his new life. He was always very motivated in his life here; he owned three businesses. And now he channels that wonderful creativity into learning more and more about the life he is immersed into. I am so happy for him.

My prayer for you is that you take this information to heart. This understanding that no one ever dies is so comforting. Spirit/Love confirms this in Love’s Message . If you can develop an intimate relationship with Spirit, then you can learn to communicate with people who cross to the other side too if you wish. The idea that no one ever dies certainly speaks for the upholding of Earth’s Objective, that we are here to learn how to love, no matter what. If we’re going to live forever, it is exciting to know that it will be done so in Love only.

If you would like to learn how to develop that intimate relationship with Spirit, or how to grow in love daily, or how to heal your pain, trauma, disease, or health challenges, log onto Growing Big In Love and receive a free PDF copy of Growing Big In Love, sign up for classes or one on one sessions for personal healing and growth with me. May you be filled with the wonder of love always.




Raven Braselton
Raven Braselton

Written by Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so!

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