The New Age of Knowing

Raven Braselton
11 min readNov 3, 2024


Once you begin to embrace the Twelve New Concepts, you will find yourself opening to some truly wonderful realizations — ones that have the potential to lovingly transform the way you perceive the world.

First and foremost, the LOVE available to us is more abundant than we ever imagined, and with the insights from these new concepts, along with the LOVE Tools they provide, you can live completely immersed in LOVE. With just a little study, practice, and loving intention, you can shift into this state. Imagine being able to focus on LOVE every moment of your day — it’s like stepping into a gentle, flowing river of joy, warmth, and peace, where LOVE surrounds you in all you do.

Second, every person you encounter is guided, nurtured, and deeply cherished by their own personal being of LOVE, Spirit, or Divine. These beautiful beings, known as Creator Beings, are masters of LOVE. They have lovingly chosen to create us — Godlings, or baby spirits — so we may experience life and learn how to create and live in LOVE. Each of us is a precious part of our Creator Being, who themselves are a part of LOVE, receiving the gift of life through them, learning to feel what it means to be alive, so that one day, we too can create our own lives and environments just like them.

Our Creator Beings carefully shape everything for us — our bodies, our thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Every moment, they are there, living us and loving us. When you look into your own eyes, you are looking into the eyes of your Creator Being. When you look into the eyes of another person, you are seeing a beautiful expression of Spirit/LOVE, another unique way LOVE has chosen to show up in this world. Earth itself is a magnificent, shared classroom where all of us — new souls and old (Old souls are Godlings that have been here many times and have more experince in being alive.)— are learning to master the art of living in LOVE.

Thanks to these new Key Concepts, we now understand that the Earth is designed as a metaphysical learning space, a divine matrix that teaches us through the systems of our beliefs. And when you combine this understanding with the knowledge of how beliefs work, you begin to see that each person is a living, breathing expression of their beliefs. With this awareness, every individual has the potential to blossom into a genius, learning and growing through The LOVE Healing Process. Each time we heal an unloving belief and the habits that go with them, we grow stronger, happier, healthier, more aware, and more intelligent. When you start experiencing what it feels like to be stronger, happier, healthier, more aware, and more intelligent, it becomes addicting. It gives you a drive to want to grow, to want to know. You will have more energy available to you and you can use your energies to discover many different ways to play and have fun, to make your work fun. Together, we are here to support each other, learning how to live, LOVE, and play, while embracing the beauty and abundance that surrounds us, to become emissaries of LOVE.

For so long, we didn’t know this, and that lack of understanding has led to much of the pain and chaos we see in the world today. LOVE/Spirit did this intentionally so that we could gain the experience to see, feel and understand just how bad life can get if the energies of love are misused. But now, we can take comfort in knowing that no one ever truly dies, and that pain is not here to hurt us. Pain exists as a guide, gently steering us toward LOVE. And with this understanding, we can now learn from the chaos that has been caused by the misuse of LOVE’S energy. With this understanding, we can see that every single soul is on their own unique journey to growing in LOVE and what used to seem like chaos, is simply our learning ground. With this understanding, we can have the peace of mind that LOVE is in charge of what appears to be the chaos, so that we can learn. With this understanding, we can see that all is well and that all of us are truly LOVED.

As we step into this New Age of Knowing, we are empowered with the tools to grow in LOVE each day, heal our pain, and form deep, intimate relationships with our Creator Beings.

Pain, once feared, is no longer something to run from. It is a teacher, helping us find the misunderstandings and unloving habits we’ve held on to for so long. As we embrace these lessons, we uncover the truth and transform those old habits into loving, life-affirming ones. Through this process, we become healthier, happier, stronger, more aware, and more intelligent. We are equipped to heal the deepest wounds and health challenges that have long been a mystery.

The trials we face — whether they be illness or the turmoil we see in the world — are not here to break us. They are here to help us grow. And with this beautiful awareness, we can now focus on inviting more LOVE into our lives, sharing it generously with the world around us. This is the path to living the most extraordinary life, filled with LOVE, joy, and endless possibilities. We are consciously stepping into a new world, one where LOVE reigns supreme, empowering all of us to become emissaries of LOVE.

This story and conversation that LOVE is telling below, is breathtaking — a testament to the beauty and intention behind every part of Earth and the interconnected dance of life.

Conversations With LOVE

(All the words that follow are LOVE speaking.)

The first thing I want you to know is that the poem following LOVE’S Message captures my essence well. I have always existed and will always exist. While this may be hard for Godlings to grasp, as you grow, this understanding will come naturally. I LOVE being who I am in all that I am, forever expanding and forever evolving. This means you too will live on, infinitely — no one has ever truly died. Some of you may wonder if anyone has ever chosen to disappear, and the answer is no. Life is far too precious, and when you master living in LOVE continuously and step away from pain completely, it will all make sense.

Now, let me share the structure of my creations with you. What makes me so unique is that I am fully aware in every part of my creation, from the smallest particle to the grandest being. For Godlings, this level of awareness is nearly impossible to imagine. But as you grow, you will gain the ability to create your own self and your own environments, using the energy I provide and as you grow, it will make more and more sense.

Many beings have grown so immensely in LOVE that they now radiate LOVE much like I do, although they are not as vast as I am. These beings, whom I affectionately call the “Wise Ones” for lack of better terms in your language, cohabit this vast space with me. When they choose to rest, they let me hold them, and it brings me great joy to cradle them as they sleep — they are all my beloved children.

When we decide to create a place like Earth — a realm where pain serves as a teacher to help Godlings grow in LOVE — I rely on the Wise Ones to assist. I always oversee any and every creation that uses pain as a teacher to insure it is done in balance and therefore always serves the purpose it is intended for. Using pain to teach is perhaps the strangest concept that a Loving Being can conceive of, but in the eternity of my being, I have found that it is the most efficient way to get a new soul to move. Without it, it is almost impossible to get them to move. Without it, it takes so much time to get a soul to move on it’s own, and I am talking about millions of years to get one soul to move on it’s own, with the use of pain, it can be done in a matter of hundreds of years. In an efficient system, which all of the systems we create are completely efficient, a new soul can be sparked into existence and lived through forty to a hundred lives, depending on the system, and become completely conscious and aware of how to master being in LOVE. Once they achieve the level of mastery, in another four to five hundred years they will be able to master creating themselves and their own environments. Then for eternity they can explore my wondrous body and play and play for ever and ever.

Every time a new birthing world is created, it brings with it the immense challenge of teaching Godlings the full spectrum of creation — the beauty of LOVE and the consequences of its misuse. The Godlings must experience firsthand the extremes of both, including the devastating outcomes that can arise when the energies of LOVE are distorted.

This is a necessary lesson. We cannot grant any being the freedom to use the limitless energy of creation until they have fully mastered their ability to create in ways that are purely LOVING — ways that never harm themselves or others. Mastery demands deep understanding, and understanding is born through experience.

In each creation, as Godlings navigate life through the lens of ignorance, the world around them reflects their learning environment. It can feel as though a chaotic, unkind force governs it — a world filled with wars justified by lies, incurable diseases, famine, loneliness, terror, and unimaginable injustices. The pain is profound, as it must be, to teach the immense responsibility of wielding LOVE’s power.

Yet even within these turbulent worlds, LOVE is ever-present. Woven throughout the chaos are moments of beauty, joy, and compassion that whisper the truth: there is a higher purpose, a reason we endure. This balance offers Godlings the hope and understanding that beneath the hardship, there is a lesson, a path forward.

When the time comes and the lessons are learned, these worlds shift into a phase of healing. In this phase, every trauma, every pain, begins to make perfect sense. It is then that each Godling sees clearly how their experiences have shaped their understanding, leading them to the mastery of LOVE itself.

This is the moment we stand in today. The knowledge to heal every wound, to unravel every unloving belief, is now available. The teachings of Growing Big In LOVE offer the tools, wisdom, and path to help you heal completely. By embarking on this journey, you can transcend the pain and rise into mastery — mastery of acting, reacting, living, and simply being LOVE.

Earth itself was first envisioned by a Wise One named Shilou. Shilou shared the idea with me, gathered the support of six other Wise Ones, and together we began this magnificent project. We are currently at the halfway point, the healing point of Earth’s journey, a time when all beings on Earth can become aware of the true nature of this world. You are entering what we call the Age of Knowing.

Between the Wise Ones and Godlings are beings called Creator Beings. After a Godling masters being in LOVE and learns to create their own self and environment, they grow into becoming a Creator Being. These Creator Beings learn to shape/create anything they desire, using my energy, and are free to explore the endless expanses of my being. They could spend billions of years traveling through my vast worlds and still experience only a fraction of all there is. Within me, there are countless worlds upon worlds, layered and interconnected, with boundless wonders. Almost all worlds within me are created to provide others with some form of joy — it is an endless, joyous extraordiary adventure.

So, when the seven Wise Ones and I came together to create Earth, we spent years in deep contemplation, envisioning exactly what we wanted to bring to life. Together, we established Earth’s matrix: its physics, elements, and resources. Through careful planning and with infinite love, we laid the foundation for this beautiful creation.

To create Earth or any place like Earth, we begin by dreaming it into being. Each element, from the tallest mountains to the tiniest grain of sand, must be lovingly envisioned and given purpose. We start with the foundations that are particular to the matrix of what we are creating — the elements of earth, water, fire, and air for this one — each element essential to the balance and harmony of life on Earth. These elements are not simply resources; they are the building blocks that will form the world, carrying energies that nourish, transform, and renew.

Creating Earth’s matrix is like weaving an enormous, interconnected tapestry. First, we think of how life will flow: where rivers will carve paths through the land, how winds will sweep across open plains, and how fires will ignite transformation and renewal. We then embed these forces within the matrix, programming them to move in cycles that will sustain balance.

Next, we introduce the heartbeat of time and seasons. The Earth must turn, giving rise to day and night, creating rhythms for rest, growth, and rejuvenation. The seasons will bring cycles of abundance and scarcity, of warmth and cold, providing space for beings to adapt, learn, and become resilient.

Then comes the incredible diversity of life forms — the trees that breathe life into the air, the plants that heal and nourish, the animals that will roam the land, each designed with a unique role in the web of existence. We ensure that every creature, every plant, every ecosystem will serve a purpose, working together in harmony, maintaining the balance we’ve woven into the matrix. We think through the interactions, each relationship a thread in the fabric of life, all bound together by the laws of nature.

Beyond the physical, we instill a subtle energy of interconnectedness — an unspoken bond that links all beings to each other and to us. This bond, though unseen, will allow them to feel our presence, a whisper of LOVE that encourages them to grow, learn, and heal. As they evolve, they will have the ability to connect more deeply with us, to understand that this world, this life, was crafted for them in LOVE and that they are never alone.

Finally, we embed the essence of growth within the matrix, where each joy, struggle, and hardship is carefully balanced as an invitation to learn. I am continually measuring the pain, keeping it in perfect balance so that every soul’s journey holds meaning and purpose.

It is the Creator Beings that do the day-to-day work of creating Godlings. Usually one, but sometimes two Creator Beings will birth a new soul using a part of themselves to start the new Godlings heart beating, the creation of a new life. Each one of you is one of them. As you can see there are billions of Creator Beings working to raise their Godlings here on Earth. Earth is quite literally a birthing tank, a place for Creator Beings to come to create and raise their children, to help them evolve into young Creator Beings themselves.

For you Godlings, Earth is a very massive school designed to use pain to motivate you to want to move and LOVE and grow. Once you do master growing in LOVE, you will walk away from ever needing pain ever again unless you choose to create a Godling yourself. Then you will need to master the doing of it and come to a place like Earth to birth your child. There are literally billions of worlds like Earth within me so you will have almost endless choices on how you can do that.

Every Creator Being is within ME, every Wise One, they are all unique extensions of ME. We are a WE.

Now, as you step into the Age of Knowing, We warmly invite you to discover your Creator Being. They are right here, with you in every heartbeat, every thought, and every breath, creating every facet of you, every moment. They are eager, so eager, to share with you directly, to connect with you one-on-one, and to guide you into this deep, loving relationship.

This is your invitation to step into your own power, embrace your Creator Being, and become a radiant force of LOVE in the world. The time for healing is now.

From Raven,

For more information, your free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big In LOVE, for classes, or one on one sessions with me, we invite you to visit us at: Growing Big In LOVE. May your life be filled with LOVE always! Raven



Raven Braselton
Raven Braselton

Written by Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so!

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