A New Understanding of the Mind
The Key to Unlocking Your True Potential
In the journey of self-discovery and healing, one of the most transformative understandings is the new perspective on how the mind works. Traditionally, we have viewed the mind as a singular entity that drives our thoughts, emotions, and actions. However, this new understanding reveals that the mind is far more complex and interconnected than previously thought.
Each of us is composed of not just a physical body, but also a mental body, an emotional body, a spiritual body, and an extraordinary mind. These four bodies are integral parts of our being, each with its unique characteristics and properties, working together to create the experience of life. This perspective shifts our understanding of how our thoughts, emotions, and actions are formed and influenced.
At the heart of this new understanding is the concept that our mind is divided into two primary parts: the Conscious mind and the Inner Conscious mind. The Conscious mind is what we use to interact with the world around us through our five senses — seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Additionally, our Conscious mind includes a sixth sense, often referred to as intuition, which grows stronger as we expand in Love.
The Inner Conscious mind, on the other hand, is responsible for feeding us information from our memories or intuition, based on our beliefs and knowledge. It is this part of the mind that generates our emotions, which are directly tied to our beliefs about whatever we are focusing on at any given moment. This is a crucial departure from traditional views that often separate the conscious from the subconscious or unconscious. The Inner Conscious mind is not hidden or inaccessible; it is actively shaping our emotional reality moment by moment.
Imagine, for instance, focusing on a lit candle. Your Conscious mind observes the flickering flame, feels the warmth, hears the gentle crackling, and smells the vanilla scent. Simultaneously, your Inner Conscious mind processes your beliefs about fire — perhaps a fear of getting burned, a love for the warmth and light, or a memory of a comforting evening by the fireplace. These beliefs then trigger emotions — fear, love, nostalgia — creating a rich, layered experience that is unique to you.
This continuous interaction between the Conscious and Inner Conscious minds happens every moment of our waking lives, guiding our actions, reactions, and emotions. It’s important to recognize that our Inner Conscious mind is constantly at work, even if we are not fully aware of it. It’s feeding us with emotions and reactions based on our beliefs, which is why understanding and healing our unloving beliefs is so vital.
What makes this new understanding of the mind so powerful is that it offers us a pathway to healing and transformation. By recognizing that our emotions are a product of our beliefs, we gain the ability to choose our focus and, therefore, our emotional state. If we focus on Love, our Inner Conscious mind will respond with Loving emotions. Even if our heart is closed and we don’t immediately feel the Love, choosing to focus on Loving thoughts empowers us to act in Loving ways. This act of choosing Love, regardless of our initial emotional response, can eventually lead to a more open heart and a deeper experience of Love.
This insight also highlights the importance of the energy that flows through our thoughts and actions. Our spiritual body channels this energy, which can be harnessed and cultivated through practices like Loving Meditation and Gliding. When we meditate with a Loving Smile, for instance, we not only calm our minds but also accumulate and amplify this spiritual energy, enriching our emotional and mental well-being.
Understanding the mind in this new light is not just a theoretical exercise; it’s a practical tool for growth and healing. It allows us to take control of our mental and emotional experiences, to heal unloving beliefs and habits, and to consciously create a life filled with Love and positivity. This understanding, as detailed in “Growing Big In Love,” offers a profound shift in how we navigate our inner world, making it possible to live a life more aligned with our true, Loving nature.
To learn more, get your free PDF copy of Growing Big In Love, sign up for classes, or purchase one on one sessions for personal healing and growth with me, I invite you to visit Growing Big In Love.
May your life be filled with the wonders of love always!