Earth’s Objective
Is to Provide New Souls With the Opportunity to Master Being Love
The wonders of life are absolutely mind boggling. We can hold our hands in front of our faces and purposely wiggle our index fingers back and forth with ease, although we don’t even begin to know how to create the atoms that make up the cells that make up the skin, blood vessels and blood, bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons that it takes to move our fingers. It just appears that we are moving our fingers back and forth, but we don’t have a clue as to how it is really being done.
Everything around us is being created so eloquently as to give us the experience that we are living our lives, when in truth, we do not know how we move, or talk, or think, or emote, or ponder our own existence. When we observe all these wonders that life has to offer us through the eyes of Love, the wonder, beauty, excellence, and genius just seems to expand in every direction, moment by moment. It’s all magical and amazing! It just keeps expanding forever and ever and it’s so glorious that it boggles our minds.
Here on Earth, there is also the other side of Love, which is pain. The metaphysics of the energy of Love are designed so that if Love is misused, it creates different kinds of pain and for every kind of Love, there is an opposite painful side, that hurts us when we see, feel, or experience it. For thousands of years, we keep asking ourselves, “Why are we here?” and “Why do we have to experience so many kinds of pain?”
If you had the job of teaching a brand-new soul how to understand the uses of the energy of Love, how would you do it? How do you teach a new soul how not to misuse their energy in any way, not to hurt themself or anyone else? Could you set up a program that would show them all the hundreds of thousands of ways they (or someone else) could misuse their energy and have them watch it? If you did that and they spent years studying the program, watching all the ways the misuse of energy causes pain in themselves or other souls around them, would they really be able to learn from just watching? Or would they need to actually experience the pain that is caused from the misuse to truly understand?
Well, if you look around you at the condition of our world, it’s not hard to see how the Divine Creator (I am using the term Divine Creator to refer to All That Is, Spirit, the Supreme Being, the Source, Goddess/God, or whatever you believe) has answered these questions. For the past ten or more thousand years, we, as a human race have been living through a state of ignorance that has enabled all of us to learn firsthand what happens when people misuse their energy. The list of the atrocities that we (as people) have had to experience is daunting. And the list is so long and big that it is a wonder that billions of us still get up every day and try to create a better day than the one we had yesterday. It’s through the presence of the Love, that is within us, and all around us, that gives us that drive to keep moving through the pain that we experience while we are here.
As it turns out, we are being given an extraordinary opportunity.
It’s essential that a soul needs to experience the pain that is caused by the misuse of energy so that they can understand it completely, so that they will know how it affects them and others. Up until now, this has been the purpose of Earth, to give all of us this experience.
The Divine Creator is now providing us the knowledge that will enable us to learn how to focus on Love, moment by moment, and how to heal the pain that is within us. If we learn how to become Love and how to heal our pain and then do the work of growing in Love and healing daily, we will be able to develop the strength of character to:
Never create that pain again.
This taking action to grow in Love and to heal our pain is what creates Loving Intelligence. It will enable us to develop the Loving wisdom needed to become a creator ourselves.
The benefits of taking action are so big, that it’s enticing eight billion souls to come here to experience it.
Experience equals knowing, and a soul cannot move forward and harness the power of Love, until they know.
This is Earth’s Objective
To Provide New Souls with the Opportunity and Experience to Master Being Love
Due to free will, it’s a choice that each one of us is being offered. If you choose, then my book, “Growing Big In Love” has been written to show you how to focus on Love every moment of every day to become strong in Love. You’ll learn how to heal all of your pain through understanding and action, to gain that Loving Intelligence, and how to create an intimate personal relationship with the Divine Creator! The Divine Creator is Love, and developing an intimate relationship with them, could be the most amazing thing you ever do for yourself!
If a person chooses to make all three a daily practice, their life becomes filled with discovery and purpose!
The outcome is GLORIOUS!
Let us begin. My book Growing Big In Love is written to show you how to do that!
For more information, your free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big In Love, for classes, or one on one sessions with me, we invite you to visit us at: