Do You Know Who You Are

Raven Braselton
3 min readMar 28, 2021


If you go look into the mirror and stare into your eyes, who is looking back at you? Look deep into those beautiful amazing wondrous eyes! Obviously, part of who is looking deep into your eyes is you. AND there is more there. You do not really understand how it is that you can see you looking into your eyes. You do not know how to create the atoms and molecules that are creating your eyes, or the nerves that take the light signals into your brain (which you also do not know how to create) and translate them into symbols that you understand to be you looking into your own eyes.

The longer you stare into the wonder and depth of your eyes, you can almost see, feel, sense the Divine Being that is creating you, all of you in this very moment. She is breathing you, beating your heart, creating your physical body, your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies all at the same time. He is reading these words for you, translating their meaning, giving you ideas of the wonder and grandeur, the magic and power, the absolute majesty of the creation of you looking into the mirror at you. She is the mirror and the air in between your eyes and the mirror. He is the floor you are standing on. She is the clothes you are wearing unless you are naked and then She is the feeling of being naked, so exquisite.

You are so important to Him that He is taking all the time necessary to create all of your life, everything that supports you being alive; space, our Sunstar, the Earth, the atmosphere, the abundant resources, the food, the wonderous food, and all that provides you with your extraordinary life, so that you can be you. You are magnificent!

If you take a moment to see, feel, sense that everything around you is Her body, that you are sitting in, laying in, standing in Her. You yourself are a part of Him, you are part of His body! If you put your arms around yourself, hug yourself, you are hugging Her too! Can you hear Him moan at the wonder of how good it feels and the beauty of it, feeling you hug Him?

She wants to talk to you! He has so many things he wants to share with you! The Divine Creator is creating you so that the two of you can be the most intimate friends/mates that you could ever imagine! She wants to show you how to play and learn and grow in Love. He wants to help you understand how everything works! She wants to make dates with you so that you can share time together. He wants to lay in you at night and sing you to sleep, holding you as you sleep! She wants to whisper in your ear, “I love you!”


Come learn how to grow in Love, more and more every day. Come learn how to heal your pain daily so that you can grow even bigger in Love. Come and learn how to develop the most amazing relationship you will ever know with the Divine Creator that is creating you.

For more information, your free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big In Love, for classes, or one on one sessions with me, we invite you to visit us at: Growing Big In Love.

May your life be filled with the wonders of love always!




Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so!