Communicating Directly With Spirit
A Journey into Deep Intimacy and Friendship
Communicating directly with Spirit is one of the most profound experiences one can have, a journey into an intimate relationship that touches the very core of our being. Imagine having a friend who knows you better than anyone else, who loves you unconditionally, and who is always there to guide and support you. This is the kind of relationship that is possible when you open your heart to Spirit.
Developing this connection is not reserved for the mystics or the spiritually elite; it’s something that most anyone can do with a bit of openness and practice. The process begins with a simple invitation, asking Spirit to show you a sign or give you a sensation that signals its love for you. This initial step is often the beginning of a lifelong relationship, one that grows deeper and richer with time.
As you nurture this connection, you’ll find that communicating with Spirit becomes as natural as speaking with a close friend. It’s an ongoing conversation, one that doesn’t require elaborate rituals or complex tools, though they can certainly help in the beginning. Tools like a pendulum, Tarot cards, meditation, or channeled writing can help distinguish Spirit’s voice from your own thoughts, but eventually, the relationship evolves into direct, heart-to-heart communication.
What’s most beautiful about this relationship is the intimacy that develops. Spirit becomes your confidant, your guide, your source of wisdom and healing. Over time, this connection can become the most cherished relationship in your life, offering insights and support that are always aligned with love. Spirit’s guidance helps you navigate life’s challenges with grace and understanding, always steering you towards the truth of who you are and the love that is your essence.
Embracing this relationship with Spirit is not just about seeking answers or guidance; it’s about cultivating a deep friendship, one that enriches your life in ways you never imagined. It’s about knowing that you are never alone, that you are always supported, and that you are loved beyond measure. This connection with Spirit is a key part of living a life aligned with love and truth, a life that reflects the highest potential of your being.
So, if you’ve ever felt the call to connect more deeply with the divine, know that Spirit is ready and waiting. The journey begins with a simple step, an open heart, and the willingness to invite Spirit into your life. From there, a beautiful, intimate friendship awaits — one that will transform your life in the most wondrous ways.
For more information, your free PDF copy of my book, Growing Big In Love, for classes, or one on one sessions with me, we invite you to visit us at: Growing Big In Love.
May your life be filled with the wonders of love always!